Slark Moan, the project of New York via Nashville musician Mark Sloan (they/them) announced a new EP entitled "The Return of Guitar Music" being released...
"SHUCKED" is the new musical comedy that proves sometimes tearing down a few walls, rather than growing them, is the only way to preserve our...
Looking to beat the heat? Come to the Historic (and air-conditioned) Mansion at Cheekwood to check out two art exhibitions in the second-floor galleries....
A 920-page policy blueprint contains the Heritage Foundation’s vision for a second Trump administration — with impacts on women, LGBTQ+ rights, families, education and...
Hip-hop icon Big Freedia has teamed up with Crescent Canna to launch Wobble Sparkling THC Energy Drink, a THC beverage with Big Diva Energy.
Supreme Court to Decide Whether It’s Unconstitutional to Ban Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth
3 min read
A case out of Tennessee could have nationwide implications for transgender minors and their access to health care.
"We have canceled our July Brewing Up Business with Tractor Supply, and we have revoked their membership to the Tennessee Pride Chamber."
Kristin is a Nashville-based artist who finds the artistic potential in an object most of us would never imagine to be art — drum...
Mere days after being at Nashville Pride and just weeks after being honored as a finalist for the Corporate Partner of the Year at...
Epiphany Chiropractic specializes in a neurologically based approach to chiropractic services, tuning the body’s natural process for healing by adjusting patients to their unique environments.