Battles won, but war isn’t over for social, cultural justice
In this issue, we cover all things TRAVEL. LGBTQ+ friendly destinations; How to protect your health while traveling; Care for your pets while on vacation.
But we cannot let this time pass without discussing some real, current events that are affecting us and our communities.
A lot has taken place over the past couple of weeks from the horrific shootings to the ousting of two Democratic leaders from the Tennessee House of Representatives.
Then, Franklin Pride was in danger of not happening because of misconceptions and lies being projected by people who, most likely, had never even been to the Franklin Pride celebration.
While we won’t regain those lives we lost, and may they rest in peace, there is momentum for gun reform laws. It’s painful that it takes a tragedy to occur for dramatic change to happen.
Both representatives, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, were voted back into their seats thanks to their local councils in their respective districts. This fight isn’t over though because now there will be a special election taking place. Although, it would be difficult for Representatives Jones and Pearson to not be re-elected.
In other good news, Franklin Pride was allowed their permit and the festival will take place on June 3 from Noon to 6 pm at Harlinsdale Farm. I have been so inspired to see so many young people at the state legislature fighting for their rights to simply go to school without the fear of being shot. I’ve been appalled at some of the responses they’ve received from Republican lawmakers. Everything from “there’s nothing that can be done” to “well, what gun would you rather be shot with.” Comments like these are sickening and have no place in our capitol halls.
A revolution is upon us. It gives me goosebumps. I know there are still several battles to take place, but I am hopeful that the tide is changing in this cultural and social justice war.
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— Co-founder and Publisher