For years, Julie Rodgers’ entire life revolved around trying not to be gay. She grew up in an Evangelical Christian family, hearing that she...
"Joe Bell" tells the intimate and emotional true story of an Oregonian father who pays tribute to his gay teenage son Jadin, embarking on...
Over the film’s trajectory, Lupe, a recent Cuban immigrant, searches for their missing sister Isabel while navigating both the world of low-budget sex work...
Katherine Waterston on why all these lesbian period dramas indicate a ‘problem, not a pattern’
From dramatic narratives and documentaries to shorts and a touch of terror, here’s what to watch wherever they’re distributed now that the festival’s proverbial...
By steadily raising the number of queer films included (from two features in 1985 to over a dozen works in 2021), Sundance has played...
Selena Gomez is going to climb every "Mountain" — One of this year’s TV pleasures has been watching a homebound Selena Gomez earnestly trying...