"The Cher Show" has garnered Tony Awards for its portrayal of Cher's incredible life, making it a must-see for fans and those intrigued by...
Set a century ago in New York, "Funny Girl" follows Fanny Brice from her humble beginnings as a Jewish girl with chutzpah on Henry...
“We’re thrilled to share these films as a sneak peek into this year’s incredibly unique and vibrant slate of programming,” said Director of Programming...
‘1776’: A Fresh Twist on a Historic Tale
3 min read
The current rendition of "1776" is directed by Jeffrey L. Page (Violet) and Diane Paulus (Waitress) and features 17 multi-racial Broadway revival cast members who...
Take the walk Into The Woods and be ready to laugh and be entertained. But don’t laugh too hard or you’ll miss the next...
Broken Theater melds dance, music, and cinematic beauty to explore a group of artists wrestling with identity during a moment of creative and personal tumult.
TPAC is bringing Broadway ‘Roaring Back’ with 21-22 Broadway lineup featuring Disney’s THE LION KING and seven Nashville premieres.