We’re making history with the first-ever LGBTQ+ Sports issue for Connect!
I grew up playing softball. It was so much fun and when I became older I played on an adult LGBTQ+ league. I will echo what many of the Junior Nashville Roller Derby players said in their article. I formed great friendships and everyone looked out for you as a team. I think we all need someone looking out for us. So much has changed since I played. I wasn’t out in my younger years so I didn’t necessarily experience any negative reactions.
However, in the world of sports, as in many facets of life, the stigma of being out can be daunting. We’re
beginning to see more and more players, coaches and others come out in an effort to erase this stigma. One such story we cover in this issue is that of Bryan Ruby, the first out professional baseball player. Ruby isn’t just an out player though; he started a non-profit called Proud to be in Baseball that educates people on the importance of overcoming stigma and changing the way people think and act toward LGBTQ+ people in sports.

We also take a look at several local LGBTQ+ sports organizations. From women’s football to roller derby and whether you simply want to be a spectator or become a player, there’s an option for almost anyone. Several of the organizations depend on volunteers to help with other aspects such as referees, scorekeepers, team managers, social media marketers, etc.
The message of the year is to get involved! We hope you do in some aspect whether it be in the LGBTQ+ sports world or something else altogether. Being involved helps the soul.
Speaking of being involved, consider writing an article or two for us. We also need volunteers for our upcoming HoliGAY Market! It will take place on October 21, 2023, from 10 am – 5 pm at The Fairgrounds Nashville.
Let’s Connect!

— Co-founder and Publisher
Read our virtual issue online at weconnect.lgbt/virtual-issue.